Why Do My Feet Swell At Night
Many people may ask why do my feet swell at night because it can be a concerning issue. They would be right as it isn’t normal for feet to swell unless it’s a medical problem.
Since the concern is warranted, it would be helpful to know what could cause such a condition.
A condition with the feet often could be related to the foot itself, or it can start further up the chain, your spine, for instance. That would be just a guess, and we don’t want you to do that.
So we will show you how you can know what the cause of your problem is.
The safest way to know which condition is yours is possible through an analysis of symptoms. We will share the cause of each disease for reference. You can compare your symptoms with each disease to find a suitable match.
If you’re convicted of what the problem you are facing is all about, you can treat it. The same information that has helped find the cause of the situation offers the solution.
You can use the treatments that best suit your needs to improve your health.
Edema can cause the feet to swell, especially at night. This condition results from capillaries leaking fluid into the tissue around the area. Persons sitting for long periods can develop this condition.
Symptoms of edema are swelling and puffiness under the skin. Other symptoms are stretchy and shiny-looking skin and swollen abdomen. If you press on the flesh and the indentation stays, edema is why.
Treatment of this condition is to drink adequate amounts of water. This method will help flush any unwanted particles out of the system. The salt content in the body needs reduction, so any foods that can help should become part of the diet.
Salt Intake
High salt intake can cause the feet to become swollen. Water retention increases with the consumption of too much salt.
Symptoms of a high salt intake are swelling in the feet and the urge to urinate often. Other symptoms are mild headaches, cardiovascular disease issues, and increased thirst. You may also find foods low in salt bland.
Treatment for high salt intake requires cutting back on the amount consumed. Avoid canned foods and fast foods. These are usually high in sodium. Many dust seasonings are full of sodium so check your content.
This fact can be the same for many refined products.
The possibility of an overweight person experiencing swollen feet is high. The structure of your feet can hold a certain amount of weight, and that varies per person. If your feet become overloaded, they will swell.
The BMI standard symptoms of overweight based on the mass body index calculations. If you have too much weight for your height based on those estimates, it’s considered overweight.
Other symptoms are shortness of breath, snoring, profuse sweating, and skin folds in areas. Other symptoms are trouble sleeping and problems performing certain activities.
Treatment for this condition is weight loss endeavors like exercise and diet change. Other options are surgery for a faster way to lose fat and weight loss medications.
Why Do My Feet Swell At Night – Other Causes
Monitor when the swelling goes down if it does, and when it reoccurs would help. If this happens every night or during certain times of the day, take note. This idea allows you to figure out what you are doing that could be responsible. You have to keep track of meals and activities.
Here are some other conditions to note.
Preeclampsia can cause swelling in the feet and can be painful. It happens without notice during pregnancy or after delivery. High blood pressure related to stress can trigger this condition.
Symptoms of preeclampsia are vomiting and abdominal pain. Nausea and reduction in passing urine are common symptoms. Other symptoms include headaches, dizziness, and vision problems.
Treatment for this condition is corticosteroids and blood pressure medication. Your doctor may prescribe anticonvulsant medications.
Other treatment methods are foods that help lower blood pressure, like grapefruit and bay leaf. Natural treatments for epilepsy are possible as another option.
People who consume lots of alcoholic beverages run the risk of swollen feet. The cause of this condition happens when the liver is affected by alcohol and causes the blood flow to increase. This disease can affect the feet and cause edema and swollen abdomen.
Symptoms of alcohol use are drunkenness, smelly breath, and confusion. People who drink vomit if they have excess and their mobility skills deteriorate.
Treatment for his condition is to avoid drinking alcohol and rest. Some suggestions include slowly reducing intake until the craving is gone. Drinking more water help the body remains hydrated. Naltrexone and acamprosate are considered effective drugs to treat alcoholism.
Blood Flow Issues
If you have blood flow issues like poor circulation, it can cause the feet to swell. This disease can allow the fluid in the arteries to leak and fill tissue around the feet. It can create fluid retention and result in swelling.
Symptoms of blood flow problems are leg ulcers, varicose veins, and swollen legs and ankles. Other symptoms are tight calves and pain in the legs. You may experience skin looking brown around the ankles.
Treatment for this condition includes elevating the legs to increase blood flow and calf lung exercises. You can also use foods that help promote better blood flow.
Doctors prescribe surgery sclerotherapy and endovenous laser ablation or radiofrequency ablation. Your doctor may also issue medicines to help.
Other conditions that can cause swelling are lymphedema caused by the lymph system. Heart, liver, and kidney disease can all contribute to swollen feet. Other conditions are blood clots, infections, and hot weather.
You can have an allergic reaction to a medication, so monitor if your feet swell after taking any. A foot injury can cause swelling of the foot and standing for long hours. Since so many conditions can cause swelling of the feet, seeing a doctor is best.
Now you know why do my feet swell at night. The number of conditions that can cause these symptoms is plentiful. Suppose you can figure out what applies to you from the list. A doctor visit would help you know for sure what could be wrong.
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