Stabbing Pain Under Left Shoulder Blade | 6 Possible Causes
The stabbing pain under left shoulder blade that you are experiencing has many contributing factors. This understanding makes it more challenging to figure out the issue without proper analysis.
That is why the recommendation is to seek medical help if you are experiencing such an issue. Some of the conditions related to this pain can be life-threatening; others may require minor treatment.
Most individuals who search the internet for medical-related symptoms do so for the knowledge since they have concerns. This information is to help you learn of some of the conditions related to this problem, not to replace medical help.
The data looks at causes, symptoms, and treatments which can help you make an informed decision. It isn’t to replace professional medical advice. See the common causes of shoulder blade pain below.
Cloward’s Sign
This condition has its roots in presenting a neurosurgeon named Dr. Cloward. After an analysis, he identified the C5 and C6 facet joints; these can cause pain from the neck to affect the back, especially the shoulder blade.
This issue usually occurs when the area has been used too much and results in pain.
This response is the body’s mechanism to protect itself from further damage. So if you experience pain and continue to work that area, it will increase the pain, and the injury will worsen.
The best treatment for this condition is rest, painkillers, and physiotherapy. You can also ice the area to help with the swelling.
Pinched Nerve In The Neck
A pinched nerve in the neck can cause severe pain in the shoulder blade. The nerves are in the neck area near the joints, and if they become compressed can be irritated.
These nerves run along the length of the body and can affect other body parts. The shoulder blade is usually affected more so.
This condition of cervical radiculopathy affects the arms, too, so pain in the shoulder and arm could signify that this is your problem. The pain can be stabbing, warm sensation, and tingling, so be aware of these symptoms.
Most treatments start with physical therapy, a brace to help the spine, and using the R.I.C.E method. This method includes rest, ice packs, compression bandages, and elevation.
If the situation is difficult, you may require surgery. Some persons resort to using anti-inflammatory foods to help and pain medication.
Stabbing Pain Under Left Shoulder Blade – Other Causes
The pain often associated with this pain type is easily known if you visit your local doctor or a hospital. The earlier you do so, the better your chances of recovering quickly.
You should take special care if you have shoulder blade pain as it could be severe to your health. Yes, it could be just a tired shoulder blade, but you won’t know for sure until you check it out.
Some shoulder blade pain can be related to osteoarthritis. It isn’t uncommon for this to happen because aging, wear and tear of joints contribute to the inflammation buildup.
This inflammation causes the pain many of us feel, primarily when it rains or the temperature changes.
This disease could be a problem if you notice shoulder stiffness with the pain or limited joint movement. These are the main symptoms of osteoarthritis, though it could run to the neck or spine in severe cases.
Since the primary cause of this condition is arthritis-related, using anti-inflammatory drugs should help. You can use foods high in the same component to increase the natural amounts.
Simple exercises to keep the joints from getting stiff are vital. If your situation is awful, surgery may be necessary.
Heart Problems
Heart problems are also associated with shoulder blade pain, so be mindful of this. This condition, known as angina, causes chest and back pain if the heart lacks oxygen.
The symptoms can seem like upset stomach or heartburn, so know the difference. If you have an oximeter, check your oxygen level to be sure that isn’t the issue.
Pain can go to other body areas with a mild heart attack. Short of breath is also common with this disease. The best treatment is hospitalization to avoid a severe attack and receive medical help.
A lifestyle change is on the cards, exercise, low salt, and a low-fat diet. You should avoid foods high in cholesterol. Eating grapefruits are known to help remove plaque from the arteries.
Laparoscopic Surgery
This procedure requires a small incision in the stomach. The surgery helps with weight loss and gallbladder removal, among other things.
Carbon dioxide can sometimes linger in the stomach due to this surgery. That carbon dioxide can cause the spine and nerves to irritate, which causes shoulder pain.
In this case, you already know the cause of the shoulder blade pain. What do you do after this for pain relief? Getting rest and biding the time are usually the best treatment methods.
If you drink alcohol, you should refrain as this could be dangerous to your recovery. You may take some painkillers to help as well.
Blood Clots In Lungs
Blood clots in the lungs can be a severe issue if not resolved. These lots can cause back pain and require dissolving. Clotting of the blood in the lungs is more common now with the health care crisis in the world.
The medical term is pulmonary embolism, which resembles a pulled shoulder muscle in the early stages. The pain can worsen and be so bad you have to lie down and rest.
You should call for help immediately if you experience these symptoms. The sooner you can address the matter, the better for you.
The information is valuable and does speak to issues correctly. However, the information shouldn’t replace the counsel from a doctor who can better diagnose your situation. Be sure to choose the best route for your health.
Imagine that a stabbing pain under left shoulder blade could be so dangerous. After reading the information above, you should have second thoughts about any decision you make if you have symptoms.
Despite the possibility of treating yourself at home, seeking medical attention from an authorized physician should be first on your mind.