Wrist Pain When Bending Back
The wrist pain when bending back that you feel results from one or more conditions. It is vital to see your doctor and have a diagnosis conducted to know the issue.
Wrist pain can be a bother limiting the use of your hand, leaving you feeling handicapped.
No one wants to feel that way, so you must figure out the issue and seek to resolve it. We will show you the best way to do that; you must compare your feelings with the information here.
Please take note of every symptom you have and align them with each medical condition to eliminate any that don’t match.
Once that process is complete, you can look at the remaining conditions to see if they meet the requirements. Every situation mentions the causes, symptoms, and healing treatments.
The treatments can help with the condition, but you can try similar ones if more than one remains. That way, you don’t treat yourself for an issue you don’t have.
If you didn’t pinpoint the condition based on your analysis, this treatment method would be the safest way. Visiting a physician would always be best as it could be challenging to know the exact problem.
Wrist pain usually requires an x-ray or a scan to determine the problem. If you can figure out the issue, fine, but if not, seek medical help instead.
Here are the leading reasons you may be experiencing wrist pain when you bend it back.
Wrist Pain When Bending Back – The Leading Causes
There are different arthritis types, and all of them cause severe pain. Arthritis affects the joints and makes day-to-day activities difficult to do.
Two arthritis types affect the wrist causing the symptoms that we are discussing. These are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when an autoimmune disease attacks the body affecting the joints and healthy cells.
Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage that supports the joints wears away from wear and tear and aging. Injury can also cause this condition.
Symptoms for both these conditions are joint pain, stiffness, and swelling of the joints. You may experience weakness and the loss of muscle mass. Restriction of limb movements happens often.
Treatment of these conditions is joint protection products and occupational and physical therapy.
Other methods are cold and hot compresses, rest, and exercise. Anti-inflammatory medication and foods high in such properties can assist.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when the carpal tunnel space and the nerves around it become inflamed.
This condition happens through overuse of the hands’ fine motor muscles. Other causes are being overweight, pregnancy, injury, diabetes, and arthritis.
Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome are a pain in the wrist and painful when bending. Other symptoms are weakness unable to hold objects in hand.
Other symptoms are numbness and tingling; the thumb and larger fingers are mostly affected.
Treatment for this condition is splints or braces to hold the wrist in place to restrict movement.
Other methods include taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids. A natural approach requires using anti-inflammatory foods in abundance.
Wrist Pain When Bending Back – Other Causes
Anytime you feel pain in the wrist when you try to bend it, something is wrong. You may ascertain the seriousness of the condition from the pain you experience.
However, a scan on the hand will tell how bad is the situation. It would help if you visited the doctor or the hospital to have a scan done to know the problem. Here are more issues related to the pain you experience.
Wrist Fracture
Wrist fractures result from impacts to the hand, causing damage to the joint or hand. Many injuries occur while doing physical activities like sports and working.
Other causes may be an accident like a fall or vehicular crash. Anything that involves the hands hitting an object can cause issues.
Symptoms of wrist fracture are a deformity in the wrist and stiffness. Other symptoms include bruising, tenderness, swelling, and increasing pain during movement.
Treatment of this condition is surgery if the fracture is severe and splints and braces to secure the wrist in place. Physical therapy helps after the wrist has healed.
Wrist Tendons Inflamed
There are two ways the tendons in the wrist become inflamed. The diseases associated with this condition are similar but not the same.
The conditions are wrist tendonitis and wrist tenosynovitis. Both are excruciating issues to have.
Wrist tendonitis occurs when the tendons inflame due to overuse. Continual habits like computer use, texting, playing video games, and repetitive tasks.
Wrist tenosynovitis happens when you do the same actions over and again. The causes are similar to tendonitis, and another reason could result from an injury.
Symptoms of both are pain near the thumb and stiffness in the thumb, causing a sticking movement.
Other symptoms include swelling and pain of the thumb and around the base. You may experience severe pain in the wrist, especially during movement.
Treatment for wrist tendonitis and wrist tenosynovitis is wearing a brace or splints to protect the wrist joint during movement.
You can apply ice and heat to the area and rest the wrist so it can heal. Non-steroid anti-inflammatory medication can help with pain or a natural equivalent.
Cervical Radiculopathy
Cervical radiculopathy occurs when a pinched nerve in the neck affects other parts of the body.
Osteoarthritis, a narrowed spinal cord or herniated disk, can cause you to have a pinched nerve.
Symptoms of cervical radiculopathy are issues with motoring skills and muscle weakness. You may experience tingling and numbness in your hands and fingers.
Treatment for this condition is resting and icing the area affected or using a warm compress. The doctor may administer medication to help with the pain.
Other medical therapies are cervical traction, manual manipulation, and a cervical epidural steroid injection.
Other Conditions
Other conditions are rare with wrist pain but could be responsible. These conditions are soft tissue tumors, thyroid disease, wrist sprain, and carpal boss.
If you have wrist pain when bending back, you know it must be one of these issues mentioned. We hope the information helps you with your diagnosis, and remember, a doctor visit can bring a faster prognosis and relief.