Pain On The Side Of My Heel
If there is pain on the side of my heel, it could be an injury or some medical condition. One challenge a person will face regarding such symptoms would be what it is.
Since many injuries and illnesses share similar signs figuring out what is wrong can be a challenge.
However, there is hope, so there is no need to become dismayed. There are ways to figure out what medical problem belongs to you. We will explain the process, which we hope will benefit you in every way.
Follow along so that you understand what you need to do.
The first step to eliminating the conditions that don’t match your symptoms is to compare them. This method allows you to see what fits and doesn’t.
Once you do this, you can focus on those left for reference. If only one remains, you know that must be the issue. If more than one remains, look at the treatments.
If the measures are identical, you can use that method to help with healing. If the treatments vary, use similar ones until you visit a doctor for a better review.
Now that we have explained the process, here are the issues that can cause pain on the side of your heel.
Pain On The Side Of My Heel – The Likely Causes
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis occurs when the tendons that connect your heel to the toes have inflammation. Some of the causes are wearing tight shoes and the wrong shoes. Other causes are the structure of the feet and the surfaces you walk on often.
Symptoms for plantar fasciitis are tight Achilles tendon, long-term heel pain, and heel swelling. Other symptoms include arch pain of the foot and pain standing after sitting for long.
Treatment for this condition is orthotics which help the structure of the feet and walking boots. Some situations may require using a cane or crutches.
Other methods are icing the area, night splints, and physical therapy to keep the joints and muscles loose. You can use medical or natural painkillers when necessary.
Heel Bursitis
Heel bursitis occurs when the heel becomes inflamed in the bone. This condition results from injury or constant overuse of the feet. Persons who run and walk in tight shoes or high heels bring on this issue. Heel bone restriction is the most common cause of heel bursitis.
The symptoms of this condition are color changes of the heel and heel feeling warm to the touch; the feeling can spread from the heel. You may experience tenderness, swelling, and pain if you tiptoe.
Treatment for heel bursitis is rest, icing the affected area, using compression bandages, and elevating the foot. Your doctor may prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to help with the pain.
Other methods include heel wedges customized to your condition and physical therapy when needed. Swimming is a great way to exercise without bothering your injury.
Heel Bumps
Heel bumps occur when the heel bone becomes deformed. A lump may grow on the heel. Haglund’s deformity is the medical term for this condition, prevalent among teenagers.
Persons who suffer from flat feet will develop this disease. Another reason for heel bumps is wearing heels too soon since the bones are still growing.
Symptoms of Haglund’s deformity are a bump on the back of the heel and pain in the Achilles tendon. You will notice redness and swelling around the heel due to the inflammation. The lump may develop blisters and sores.
Treatment for this condition includes orthotics, rest, icing the swelling, compression bandages, and elevating the foot. You can also have customized shoes, heel lifts, and heel pads.
Other remedies are special physical activities to strengthen the joints, tendons, and muscles. Try oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or a natural version that helps with inflammation for pain relief.
Pain On The Side Of My Heel – Other Causes
Most heel pains are a result of lousy foot care. Some can be due to injury, but you would notice bad practices are the primary culprit. The sooner you become educated about your feet, the less the possibility of experiencing such foot pain.
Here are other reasons you may have heel pain.
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Tarsal tunnel syndrome occurs when the main nerve in the back of the foot becomes inflamed. This inflammation results from compression or pinching of the nerve.
Some causes of tarsal tunnel syndrome are ganglion, varicose veins, flat feet, and bone spurs. Arthritis and diabetes can cause this condition too.
Symptoms of tarsal tunnel syndrome are burning sensation in the foot and tingling. Other symptoms are swollen feet with redness around the affected area. You may experience numbness and shooting pain at times.
Treatment for this condition is steroid and anti-inflammatory medications. You can use certain foods and herbs that offer similar effects; you may need a natural doctor for consultation.
The R.I.C.E. method uses rest, icing, compression, and elevation as therapeutic remedies. This treatment is standard for these conditions. Orthotics stabilize the foot to prevent further damage to the nerves.
Achilles Tendinitis
Achilles tendinitis occurs when the Achilles tendon has inflammation due to stress and overuse of the heel. Some reasons for the pain are tearing the Achilles due to excessive use; an example would be basketball which requires constant jumping and running.
Symptoms of Achilles tendinitis are bones spurs, heel pain, and swelling of the heel and ankles. Other symptoms are a thick tendon, issues when exercising, and stiffness.
Treatment for this condition is to rest the feet, ice the injury, compression bandages, and elevation of the feet. Other methods include orthotic devices and medications that help fight inflammation.
You can add anti-inflammatory foods to your diet to see if they help with the pain.
As you would have noticed, most causes of heel pain are related to injury, inflammation, and nerve damage. Other conditions like arthritis, fractures, sprains, gout, and cysts can give similar symptoms.
Most of these are treatable with specific medication or foods and the R.I.C.E method.
Most will require orthotics and physical therapy unless it requires surgery. A visit to the doctor will give a proper diagnosis in any event.
If you have pain on the side of my heel, be attentive to the issue. Seek medical help immediately so you can begin the recovery process. Most injuries take time, and disease-related ones could be longer; it all depends.
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