Finger Joint Pain In The Morning | 11 Sure Fire Ways To Get Relief
Is finger joint pain in the morning getting you down? Is it keeping you from your everyday activities and routines? You’re not alone! Join me as I get into the causes of finger joint pain, including inflammation, arthritis, overuse, or injury. We will also cover ways to get relief from this ailment.
Do you wake up with your finger joints aching? This is a common symptom of arthritis. There are many ways to relieve this pain, such as taking ibuprofen before bed and using heat pads on the affected joint during the day.
Read more about how to treat finger joint pain in the morning for relief!
Many people experience pain in the morning when they wake up. This is called “morning joint stiffness” and can be caused by a number of factors, including arthritis, injury, or poor posture during sleep.
However, one thing many doctors are noticing is that finger joints are also often affected. The reason for this has to do with the way we use our hands during the day – everything from typing on a computer keyboard to holding onto objects at work can cause problems with our fingers which then causes morning joint stiffness.
Luckily there are some simple things you can do to help prevent your hand muscles from getting too stiff overnight so that you have less pain in the morning.
What is finger joint pain?
The joints at the ends of your fingers, called the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints, are one of the more common areas that people get hand pain. Inside each MCP joint is a small piece of smooth articular cartilage that acts as a cushion between your bones and allows for easy movement.
However, when you don’t move your fingers enough during the day this articular cartilage can become worn down or roughed up which leads to swelling in the morning along with stiffness while holding objects.
This type of arthritis is usually called osteoarthritis and it’s very common in older adults who have been doing a lot of typing on a computer keyboard all day long. While arthritis can cause stiffness in the morning, this isn’t very common in the fingers.
Causes of finger joint pain
There is a variety of causes for finger joint pain, some of them include doing too many repetitions of the same movement, spraining your finger in some way, getting a cut on your skin in that area, or fracturing any one of the bones in the finger joint.
Many people who play sports are always at risk for this kind of injury since they use their fingers very often. The repetitive movements done by typing all day long can also be damaging to the joints in your fingers.
Treatments for finger joint pain
The best method of treatment is to rest the finger as much as possible. If it is a sprain, you may want to put some ice on it and take anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or aspirin if it’s available to you.
One problem with this kind of treatment is that the pain will be at its worst in the morning and gradually decrease throughout the day so by evening, your finger will usually feel a bit better.
That means the possibility that you won’t be able to do too many repetitions of any movement for several hours during the day which might hinder your abilities in sports or at work.
On the other hand, there are remedies that can help reduce your pain right after waking up, allowing you to play sports all day long without worrying about injuring your finger.
Apply a heating pad to your fingers for about 15 minutes before you start getting ready for the day. Make sure it’s not too hot since this will only make the pain worse.
The heat can help reduce inflammation and also relax muscles which should make it easier even to do simple movements such as getting out of bed or putting on clothes.
You should wear a light glove while sleeping because this can prevent a lot of stress from being put on your fingers while you’re having an intense dream or moving around in bed without waking up.
More intense activities that cause pressure on your joints like weightlifting might require other therapies but if you’re careful enough, you shouldn’t have any problems with breaking anything while living a normal life.
Although most people wake up without any pain, if you can reduce or even prevent the pain from happening before it happens, your morning routine will be so much more pleasant and relaxing.
There are very effective natural remedies for this kind of problem such as Epsom salt which has many uses and is easy to find at any grocery store.
You can mix a small amount with a few drops of lavender oil and use it on your hands. This hand soak should dramatically reduce inflammation and muscle tension which is why you will feel great right after putting it on.
Another idea that’s a little less popular but does a better job is by getting some blood therapy done to the affected area because this speeds up the regeneration process that is needed in order to get the joint back to normal.
However, you should use this therapy only when it’s absolutely necessary because if you do it too often then eventually your body will become resistant to it which means that blood will not be able to help in any way instead, it could cause further damage so make sure you are monitored by a professional for optimal results.
All these remedies are short-term solutions and they should be used before going to bed so they can have their full effect.
Prevention methods for finger joint pain
Utilizing preventative methods is probably the only way to stop finger joint pain.
The following things are guaranteed to make you feel better:
– Using warm water instead of cold is what usually helps the most. You should use it every time you wake up because that’s when your finger joints are at their weakest and they’ll absorb the warmth instantly which will not only relieve some pressure but also reduce swelling.
– A heating pad can do wonders too, just make sure it isn’t set on high or you’ll end up burning your skin because that could cause further problems with circulation especially if you don’t notice it in time.
– Always stretch before and after you start doing something so you don’t cause further damage or develop any nasty habits that might carry on into adulthood and impact the rest of your body.
The best time to do that is right after you wake up and right before going to bed because those are the times when your finger joints feel the sorest and stiff.
The next time you wake up with pain in your fingers make sure to follow these steps as soon as possible because they’ll help relieve pressure build-up which will greatly reduce swelling as well as prevent further problems such as arthritis later.
Final Thoughts
As noted there are many factors that can lead to finger joint pain in the morning. The pain in the joints of fingers is a common condition. It can happen when there is a lack of synovial fluid, which lubricates and provides cushioning for the joint surfaces. When this happens, it can lead to stiffness or soreness in that area.
To get relief from these painful conditions go see an expert who deals with hand injuries such as physicians specializing in occupational medicine and orthopedic surgeons because they have skills beyond those found among general practitioners or family doctors. They may be able to identify other underlying factors contributing to your discomfort.
NEW: Where is your exact pain point?
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